Matthew 14:24

Matthew 14:24
  We must always seek to allow scripture to give us an accurate picture of what is going on in any situation. If we pay close attention to this verse, we will realize that the disciples had been attempting to cross the lake all evening. For experienced sailors this was not only a little frightening, but also very very frustrating. Imagine the exhaustion and overall fatigue that had crept into their bodies. They were tired, afraid, and annoyed.
   When we think of all this, it really puts their state of mind into perspective. How many times have we quickly forgotten a good day during a restless night? We can have the best of evenings, and then be interrupted in our beauty sleep at 1 am, and watch out! Our whole attitude and demeanor is different from what it should be. This is the kind of situation that the disciples had been put into. They were in no mood to believe anything, let alone to see Jesus walking on water!
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 1:1-5:14
Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:16 “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You always know how to teach us the most important lessons of life. We cannot complain that You do not illustrate well. You give us very interesting tidbits that really lay Truth out for us. We can never complain that You have hidden the Truth. You will give Your wisdom freely to those who seek it. Thank You for the knowledge of Your Son. It is wonderful to know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his suffering. He makes our lives abundantly joyous! Than You for Your manifold blessings! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.
Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who has cancer. Pray for a woman who has cancer and is weak from treatments. Pray for our national leaders, our military personnel, and our police.
Journal Entry: #13235

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