Matthew 14:30

Matthew 14:30
   Though we can easily miss it, this verse teaches modern Christians two very important lessons. First, we see the situation that Peter finds himself in. How many of us would even find ourselves in such dire straights? Would we be attempting something that dangerous? Would we find ourselves in a situation with faith in Christ was the only path, and all other paths could possibly lead to death? Indeed, would we risk our neck for a leap of faith? So, the lesson here is that, though headstrong and impulsive, Peter does not come out of the boat without Christ’s approval. In other words, Jesus was not opposed to this kind of action. He did not stand in the way of Peter’s attempt to trust his power completely, even though he knew that Peter would falter. How many of us would even try to begin with?
   The second lesson is much like the first and follows it. Peter, when he left the boat, did not know what would happen. He did not yet know that he would falter. Yet, he stepped out. He believed that he was ready. He felt certain he could make it to Christ’s side. But, he didn’t, as we see here. Many in our day might say he didn’t have enough faith. In fact, many might say that you should have a certain measure of faith before you attempt too much for God. Apparently, Jesus doesn’t agree with them. He knew Peter would fall, and yet he allowed him to come out of the boat. We have this idea that we cannot do anything for God unless we have mammoth faith. But, how will we learn faith, if we never even try to believe, or feel comfortable with stepping out of the boat?

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 25:1-28:27

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:17  “But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons you teach us in Your Word. It is so good to have a book that is so relevant and applicable to our daily lives. We see in it real examples of real people who were no more great or amazing than we are, and yet we see their faith. Oh Father, may we trust You as we say we do! Our faith is based on Who You are, so it has a strong foundation. You are the most dependable person there is. Thank You for Your faithfulness to us! You are amazing in Your patience with us and Your love towards us. You are so holy and just, and yet You make us holy and just through Your Son. How wonderful! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who just had a job interview. Pray for man and his wife who are recovering from emotional distress. Pray for two young girls going through a difficult time. Pray for a woman and her daughter who are both very ill.

Journal Entry #13241

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