Matthew 15:9

Matthew 15:9
   We have in our modern day many who would say doctrine is not so important. They would say that we should focus upon loving each other and leave the doctrine to work itself out. However, we cannot do the one without the other. If we do, we will fall into the danger mentioned here. The Jews were very careful to preserve the letter of the law, the interpretation of it was left up to their doctors. We must not allow any man’s opinion to be exalted above Scripture, even if that man loves his neighbor better than a whole host of other men. We may not exalt the opinions of man above the opinions of the Holy Word of Almighty God. We may not make it wrong to do or believe what the Scriptures allow, nor may we allow what God’s word forbids. Many will say that the Bible is not clear enough on matters to know what to believe. However, I have found by experience that those who follow the clear commands of the Word have little trouble understanding the more obscure principles. Obedience and understanding go hand in hand.

Bible Reading: Job 32:1-34:37

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:21 “Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word. We cannot know what our lives would be like without the Bible and Your Holy Spirit here in this world. Indeed, the influence of Your Truth is felt on a much deeper level than the world cares to admit. Every corner of this globe we call home has been somehow influenced by the spread of the gospel. The church has changed the face of this world. Though some say it is for the worse, these are influenced by the master of deceit who feels the encroachment upon his dark kingdom. Little would we recognize a world run completely by Satan. Oh Father, thank You for Your power and influence in this world. Thank You for that Shining Light, the Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of Your precious Son I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman with cancer. Pray for a man who is recovering from shoulder pain. Pray for a young family. Pray for a young girl who has health concerns.

Journal Entry #13264

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