Matthew 15:30

Matthew 15:30
   In this verse, two very wonderful things must be kept in mind. First, the people who brought the lame, crippled, blind, etc. persons to Christ, did so in a hurry. There was not time to expect the sick to come themselves. They had to be brought. A sense of urgency was paramount. They knew that only Christ could heal in this way, and that they must see him and be near him to be healed. The words here literally say that the sick and disabled persons were thrown down at his feet. This was not done carlessly, but as the result of exhaustion. Some ill ones may have had to be carried quite some distance to reach him, and they never knew when he might move on. They were overcome with a feeling of urgency, and they pushed until they reached him.
   Christians today should have this sense of urgency for the lost. No mountain is too high, and no river is too wide. Only he may save our souls, and only he can heal. We must see him, we must bring the sin-sick world to see him.
   Secondly, the maimed, or crippled, persons who are referred to here are of some interest. Many would deny the divinity of Christ, and yet his miracles make it apparent that he is God. The word here for maimed is the same word that Jesus uses later in Matthew 18:8 to describe one who has lost a hand. Thus, this term may include both those who have injured or disabled limbs, and those who are missing limbs. Imagine a person lying at Jesus’ feet who was missing a foot, or a leg, or an arm. If Jesus can make the blind see, the dead live, and the lame walk, can he not restore a missing limb or digit? Most assuredly, he can, and has.

Bible Reading: Psalm 96:1-102:28

Scripture Memory: 1 John 4:2 “Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are able to do anything You choose. You are all-powerful, and so holy. Thank You for being so amazing to us. You give us the new blessings of each day, and put a fresh song on our hearts. Thank You for greeting me each day with a renewed sense of Your wisdom. I know that You understand everything, and that I can trust You to bring to me the knowledge and wisdom I need to make ti through this life. You are so kind to us! You have made a beautiful plan for our lives, and for our salvation and future. Having Your hope in our hearts makes life worth living. Thank You for this day to serve You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman with cancer. Pray for a woman in a coma. Pray for missionaries in South America. Pray for a man who broke his collarbone.

Journal Entry #13285

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