Matthew 16:5

Matthew 16:5
    It is easy to miss a very important concept in this verse. The disciples had forgotten something that would generally be quite important. They made a mistake. They acted in a less that wise way. They did something they though was kind of dumb. The fact of their forgetfulness is here mentioned because it weighed on their minds. They were burdened by it. They felt as if it was a horrible blunder. It was a grief to them. And, judging by the coming verse, they expected that Jesus would never make such a mistake, and that he would deride them if he found out, or though of it.
   This attitude in the disciples was not due to the tone that Jesus generally used with them. He was not a harsh master. They did not have any need to cower before him. He did not pick at their every error. So, then, why did they think anything of this failure? Why did it get them down? The answer is more simple than we might expect. Being with a completely perfect person at all times brings much to light in our own hearts. As a result, we have a tendency to do much soul-searching while in such company. The Lord has this same influence with us even today. A daily walk with him brings out our own improprieties.
   Thus, the enemy, seeing that Jesus’ presence has this type of influence over our lives, seeks to thwart any good result. He leads us to conclude that every slight mistake is some horrific blunder. We think then that, all things done by us in a less than desirable fashion might be judged as evil and condemned by the holy eyes of the great Almighty God. The truth is that the devil simply holds us to his standard rather than anything else. He demands an avoidance of all mistakes and blunders, but allows sin freely as a means to his ends. It is he who will distract us with our lack of intelligence, so as to make us forget our lack of holiness. He himself makes few mistakes and is quite intelligent and competent beyond our ability. But, he is full of sin. It is altogether impossible for him to do anything but sin. He is chained to it. It is his doom, his condemnation, his damnation. It is his forever.

Bible Reading: Proverbs 10:1-12:28

Scripture Memory: 1 John 4:5 “They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love for us! You are so kind! You teach us to improve our selves, yet You have made a way for us to be forgiven for the worst of things in our lives. Help us to remember that our praise for You will be no more valuable than our faithfulness to You. This is why You have made a way for us to be given the ability to abide in Christ. Thank You for enabling us to praise You, not only with our lips, but with our lives. You are so amazingly gracious to us. Thank You for rescuing us from the designs of the wicked one. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman’s niece who is trying to get pregnant. Pray for a man in the hospital who is nearing death. Pray for a woman with cancer who is living in a life care center.

Journal Entry #13299

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