Matthew 17:1

Matthew 17:1
   Though Peter had just been the one to allow the devil to influence him, he had also been the one to confess the true identity of Christ. Indeed, Peter, James and John were the best choice for this revealing of the glory of Christ. They would be more likely than the others to understand it, having been with Jesus longer. They were often selected in this way for special things.
   It is because of this that they are often referred to as the inner circle. This is consistent with the way of Christ. He gave more to those who had more, and from those who had precious little, he took away even what they had. For example, though Judas was one of his close friends, he lost what he had of the knowledge of Christ. Though Peter wavered, yet his faith was rewarded.
   The mountain that they went up is not know for sure. It may have been Mount Hermon, or it may have been Mount Tabor. But, other mountains have been suggested, and nothing is certain.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 52:1-57:21

Scripture Memory: 1 John 4:12 “No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You bring us out of ourselves to a place where we can see Your majesty at work in our daily lives. You show us Your sovereign power in every little thing. The goodness of You is apparent to us even in the darkest of circumstances. Only through You may humanity rise above the plight of this evil world. Only by the power of the work of Your Son may we be citizens of heaven. We can know our future is to be like Him, the Holy Son. We can see his glory in our mind’s eye and know our destiny is to reflect his radiant glory. Oh Father, the glories of heaven! They are such pleasures to our souls! This earth is so wonderful, and yet You have a new earth awaiting us in the future. How amazingly wise and wonderful You are. I cannot wait to see the glory of Your new creation. You are so good at what You do. I revel in the thought of serving in Your kingdom today, and for all of eternity. You are the King, all hail to You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman who is elderly. Pray for a man with kidney failure. Pray for a man with bone cancer.

Journal Entry #13322

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