Matthew 17:2

Matthew 17:2
   Some will take issue here with what exactly is meant by this transfiguration. Jesus came to this earth and took on flesh. He was a real, material person just like you and I. However, then, many will say, how is it he was so easily transformed into this form of glory. They will say that Jesus was a spirit only all along, and that he is here revealed in his true form. They would say that the rest fo the time he was only a spirit, who looked like a man.
   Such is simply not the case. It can be easily seen that Jesus could be transfigured in this way and still be a physical person just like you or I. To understand this two things must be kept in mind. First, Jesus is perfect. His humanity is without sin. The glory of the Christ divinely may shine forth through that sinless flesh with no hindrance. Secondly, remember Moses in the Old Testament. When he came down from the mountain to speak to the people he had to wear a veil on his face. His sinful flesh was yet so touched by the glory of God that he shone and glowed with the glory of God.
   Now, neither of these points is meant to diminish the glory of this event, but only to show that nothing inconsistent with the incarnation of Christ is here found. Jesus was changed before their eyes in that he simply unveiled some of his divine glory before their eyes. They saw what God the Son could be when he chose to be so. This is what we are seeing here, and it makes good sense, and fits with what we know of doctrine.
   Some might object on the grounds of his clothes being changed as well. His clothing would naturally be seen in a different way due to the brightness of his glory. It is a scientific fact that a very bright light such as would be emanating from the Lord would cause his clothing to look almost transparent and lose it’s color entirely. As we know, clothing, or anything else for that matter, has color only due to the way the light hits it. In this case, the light was coming from the other side.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 58:1-62:12

Scripture Memory: 1 John 4:12 “No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dewelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we look forward so much to the day in which we will see Your Son in all of the radiant glory You have clothed him in. Lord Jesus, You are the person I want to see and know more than any other. You are the fullest and most wonderful One that shall ever be. Almighty God, the mystery of the trinity is still wondrous to me. But, I know that You are One in Your completeness. I give You all the praise, for You are worthy of it. Knowing that You know who I am and what I am doing is so delightful. You see what I do and think and say. You allow me to live another day. May You be always pleased with it. I want to be pleasing to You. I want to reflect Christ in that way. Father, You are the love of my life. Thank You for all that You are, You who inhabits eternity! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a young couple having marital trouble. Pray for a pastor in between churches. Pray for a lady who has a rash. Pray for a little girl’s papaw.

Journal Entry #13323

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