Matthew 19:4

Matthew 19:4
   Jesus is really keen on bible reading. Knowing the scriptures like the back of your hand seems to be his best advice for spiritual maturity. Indeed, on several occasions he expresses his amazement at the overall lack of simple bible knowledge along the supposedly learned scholars of the day.
   Beyond this, he has a very literal  hermeneutic. In this verse, for example, he is pointing out the fact that the Genesis account is explaining the thought process of Almighty God. God made us male and female for a reason. This is why he asks them if they had read about that. Presumably anyone who had read that God did it this way on purpose would then understand God’s logic behind the institution of marriage. In other words, interpreting literally, God made different sexes just for the purpose of putting them together like this. Marriage is, thus, an anatomically, physiologically, and psychologically accommodated condition. We are built for it.
   This is where we have issues even in our modern day. We still seem to think, as the Pharisees asked, that divorce is okay. Beyond this, there are many who believe they came out of the womb as the wrong gender. They think they are really a girl, though they are anatomically a boy. Obviously, if God had intended for this individual to be a girl, he could have easily made him one, but he didn’t.
   So, many many issues that we face can be solved by Jesus’ emphasis on simple bible knowledge and a straightforward understanding of the text.

Bible Reading: Mark 15:1-16:20

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:8 “And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for your wisdom. You know everything we need. Thank You for bringing things like faith, love, and hope into our lives. You are so kind. Your beauty inspires me to be more than I am. Thank You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a family that just lost a loved one. Pray for a man with serious health issues.

Journal Entry #14026

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