Matthew 19:5

Matthew 19:5
   For what cause? What is Jesus saying here? If you look back, these words were actually said by Adam. He was just reiterating something God had already made him to understand. And, this quote is not all that he said. Like Jesus, Adam understood the cause. The man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife because God made woman by taking her out of man. In other words, God made it that way, so that is the way it works.
   In our day many fail to understand this principle. It really is quite simple to grasp, however. An automobile is made a certain way, and should function that way. If it ceases to function as it should, I have to get it fixed. I cannot simply figure that it was made that way. In fact, no one in their right mind would argue that the vehicle was designed to set in my driveway and collect cobwebs. It is made to move. And if it doesn’t ‘want’ to move, I have to fix that.
   People will say that it is demeaning to compare a human to a car. I think they would be missing the point. Humans are infinitely more valuable than cars. But, just like cars, or anything else in our universe, we have a Designer.

Bible Reading: Luke 1:1-2:52

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:8 “And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are truly amazing! You show us things about ourselves that we would rather not know. Yet, at the same time, You tell us how precious and important we are. Though You make us to realize that we did not make ourselves, knowing that we were made by You for a  specific purpose is so wonderful. Thank You for the meaning that You give to us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for traveling safety during these winter storms. Pray for a man being interviewed for a job. Pray for a woman recovering from surgery.

Journal Entry #14027

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