Matthew 19:12

Matthew 19:12
   Jesus speaks here upon a subject that is sometimes overlooked, or even avoided. For one thing, as I have already pointed out, launching straight into a discussion of eunuchs indicates that Jesus is leaving no room for what many would refer to as the ‘single’ lifestyle. Many people these days want to be single and have multiple relationships with the opposite sex. This just isn’t biblical. Jesus sees only two options, marriage and celibacy.
   Celibacy is a clouded issue because of the preponderance of this practice among clergy. Scripture makes it quite clear that clergy may marry, and that celibacy is not a requirement for holiness. Cloistered communities of celibates, while keeping themselves pure from the world, also keep themselves from being more effective witnesses in it. Jesus does not have monasticism in view here.
   Jesus explains only three reasons why a man might be able to abstain from marriage. In all three he uses the word ‘eunuch’ to describe the individual. This is a strong term that can mean only one of two things. It means that a man either lacks the capacity (and drive to a certain degree) to have children, or he is committed to living as if he lacks that ability. In either case, complete abstinence is in view.
   Jesus highlights only three cases of how this might work out in a man’s life. First, some men are born in such a state that celibacy is quite convenient. The handicapped, and those with rare deformities, often fit into this category. Second, there are some who, in their society, have been actually physically made to be eunuchs. This practice is much more rare these days and is not biblical. Third, there are those who have chosen the celibate life. Note that Jesus said this was done for the kingdom of heaven. Though monasticism and cloistered communities are not taught in scripture, the celibate life is to be chosen for spiritual reasons. Celibates are not more holy. They are simply able to do what others may not. For example, going to minister to a leper colony would not be a good idea for a married man. A celibate could do so, and thus his ministry would have a broader scope. This need not mean that they have changed themselves physically to help in this. That would be wrong.
   What is very important to see here is that Jesus intends for there to be absolutely no sexual activity outside of marriage. This is quite offensive to our modern sentiments, but it is the intention of the Creator.

Bible Reading: Luke 13:1-15:32

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:9 “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for making so much clear to us in Your Word. You have given us all that we need. I love You. Thank You Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman with cancer. Pray for a man seeking medical treatment.

Journal Entry #14034

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