Matthew Commentary

   I have the idea that I might actually use my verse by verse study on Matthew to put together a commentary. I don’t plan on trying to publish it or anything. But I would like to have it all put together in one document.
Obviously, I realize that I am not yet finished with Matthew. However, I will likely be through it by the end of this year. So, I am starting to make plans now. This will be a long-term project because I don’t have time to focus on it fully.
   As part of my plan, I am wondering if any of you who read this blog might think about being an editor. I will need several editors. This would not represent too much time on your part because I don’t have time to put a lot together all at once anyway. I would like to think that I will have Matthew ready right about the time I get close to finishing Mark. Given the fact I have been working on Matthew for nearly two years, we are not talking about getting anything done in a hurry.
   I already have one or two editors in mind, but I will need several kinds of editors. First, I will need at least two grammar and spelling editors. Secondly, I will need one, maybe two, doctrine editors. Doctrine editors will make sure to double check for inconsistencies in my commentary. I will need a reference editor. This person would link my commentary to appropriate verses where needed. I will need at least one form editor. This person would suggest changes in regards to flow, organization, and bibliography concerns (if quotations are needed).
   Surely, some persons might have the time or skill to do several of these things. That would be fine, but I would like a team of at least three persons beside myself. I cannot pay anyone for their help. This would be for you, and me, a personal enrichment project.
   If you are a regular reader and are interested in helping please know that I will give credit where credit is due, though I do not plan to publish the end result at this time. I may someday, but I have no way of knowing that now. If you are interested, just let me know. I am pretty sure most of my readers will know how to contact me. Thank you for reading!

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