Matthew 20:33

Matthew 20:33
   How many times have we bowed our heads in prayer wondering why we must tell Almighty God something he already knows? How often have we prayed, asking for the same thing for many years, wondering when he would supply? And, yet, how often have we realized the change in our own heart as we humbly tell the Lord our faults and share our needs? How much joy have we had when we saw once again that he supplies just what we need?
   If the Eternal God of all the universe asks us to pray, we will pray all our lives long, and trust him for the answers. May we remember that prayer is more about our heart than his hearing. Almighty God knows what you have need of before you ask. Indeed, the need can outlast the prayer. There have been those who died and went home to the Lord only to see the next generation pray and receive the supply. Why? Because God’s way is always perfect. Though we will never fully understand it, we know that we can trust him even when it seems like he has ignored us. The reassurance of our ongoing relationship with him is all we could need.

Bible Reading: Hebrews 8:1-10:39

Scripture Memory: James 1:4 “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, when we realize our true condition, You glory becomes so apparent! When our hearts are filled with pride and sin You look small. You seem weak, mean, or even evil. Our own hearts are so full of darkness that we don’t see You clearly. But when we look at You with a realization of our true condition and Your true position, oh what glory! This world is swallowed up in pride, but if ever we humble ourselves we can see the amazing greatness of the Almighty God. Thank You Lord for You! You are the inspiration for every good deed, and the life we need to get to the next day. Christ has brought life, joy, love, peace, and grace to our hearts. We may have our soul’s home to be a bright and beautiful place. Thank You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man getting used to a new position at work. Pray for a pastor in West Africa.

Journal Entry #14085

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