Matthew 21:4

Matthew 21:4
   Many people have caused difficulties to arise due to the way that the prophets are cited in the New Testament. There are no difficulties in actuality. In fact, we have here before us a wonder of Scripture. Matthew is here quoting from two of the prophets. These are Isaiah (Isaiah 62:11) and Zechariah (Zechariah 9:9). Now, many would say this is confusing and dishonest, to quote from two sources as if they are one, and to fuse their words together to make it say what you will. This is not at all what we are seeing here. Instead, this is a great credit to the word of God, and the veracity of the gospel.
   Why do I say this is a wonder? Matthew, being well versed in the things of the Jews, understood the prophets very well. For us, many hundreds of years later, things are not as clear as they were to him. However, we can see the wisdom here if we look carefully. Timing is everything. Isaiah gave forth his prophecy earlier in the prophetic era. His work was foundational to the prophets and was, and is, very important for a proper understanding of the Messiah, and the prophecies concerning him. His words come relatively early, then, and do not contain the reference to the asses’ colt.
   Zechariah was relatively late in the prophetic era. He spoke after the Jews had already returned to the land of Israel. The next step in God’s plan was being prepared for. Malachi would soon finish the Old Testament cannon, and the Jewish people would settle into their long wait for the Messiah (for which many are still waiting, they think, until this very day). Thus, Zechariah, being very familiar with what had become at his time the ‘classic’ prophecy of Isaiah, adds to this prophecy. He supplies the rest of the picture, if you will. He fills in the rest and supplies the means by which the Jews might know that the Lord is the One who will come on the foal of an ass.
   Thus, these two prophecies were one because the second was built upon the first. Anyone familiar with the Scriptures, and the godly interpretation of them, would quickly recognize what is being said here. This was the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah, but it would be far less helpful to quote it without the augmentation of Zechariah’s helpful and prophetic addition.

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 3:1-1 John 3:24

Scripture Memory: James 1:6 “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Your love! Your wisdom, Your mercy, Your grace, they are the things that cause me to want to live. Your love and goodness to me gives me the motivation for each day. You have blessed us so much! Thank You for Your justice, Your holiness, and Your truth. As I read Your Word, I see Your knowledge, I see Your care for us, I see how You have planned everything from the very beginning. May Your Name be praised for all of eternity! Your holiness is worthy of all the glory! May Your praise never depart from my mouth. May I rise every day knowing that You are God, that You are the Almighty Creator of all. May I daily surrender and yield my soul to You. May my life be made something special because of a relationship with You and Your Son. Only in You may we find the true purpose for existence. Only in You may we make a difference in this world. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman who has trouble with her voice. Pray for a woman who suffers from shortness of breath. Pray for the lost.

Journal Entry #14090

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