Matthew 21:13

Matthew 21:13
    This is quite interesting in that Jesus is quoting a prophecy. Isaiah 56:7 is the verse he is referring to. Although prophecy is true, and will be fulfilled, Jesus faults them for not being consistent with the Scriptures. In other words, for the Jewish leadership to think that God’s house would be a house of prayer whether they tried to make it such or not would be bogus and disobedient. Therefore, to fail to obey on the basis of prophecy is not a good idea. For instance, failing to take the gospel to the lost because God says he wants everybody to get saved would be foolish. Some people will be saved. And some people will go and tell them. Disobedience automatically disqualifies you from being the tool for God’s purposes.

Bible Reading: Genesis 7:1-9:29

Scripture Memory: James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching us in Your Word. It is good to have this book that is so important for daily lives. Our faith is based on Who You are, so it has a strong foundation. Oh Father, may we trust You as we say we do! You are faithful! Thank You for Your faithfulness! You are amazing in Your patience with us and Your love towards us. You are holy and just, and You make us holy and just through Jesus Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for three families that just lost loved ones. Pray for a man who is undergoing treatment for a serious disease.

Journal Entry #14099

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