Matthew 21:18

Matthew 21:18
   Rather then trying to unravel the mystery of the fig tree, let us observe what is easily to be understood from this event. Here in this verse we can learn something of Jesus’ practices. And they reveal that he indeed practiced what he preached. Rather than being concerned first with his hunger, he had arisen, made his prayers presumably, and departed for his day’s destination. All of this came before breakfast, which he had no intention of skipping. Thus, he looked for the food that his Father might provide along the way. Just as he had told others, he was not anxious about his daily needs, but trusted the Father to meet them like he does the needs of the sparrows or the flowers of the field.

Bible Reading: Genesis 23:1-24:67

Scripture Memory: James 1:10 “But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the resurrection! Without that one single miracle, all would be useless! Without a living Christ, it would all be worthless! Without salvation through a living Lord, I could not have hope! Oh Father, You have captivated me with Christ! I cannot escape Him. I cannot go around Him. I must not live my own way. I have to consider him in all that I do because He demands my attention. If He is false, all is false. If he is true, all is true. I cannot find for myself any basis for good outside of Him. I cannot hope to be a nice person without the living Lord! I need him like I need nothing else! By Him I am alive. By Him I may live for evermore! By Him all is changed, all is new, all is good. By Him I have the hope of righteousness. By Him I may one day be a servant of my God in His temple. By Him I may be robed in white. By Him I may know what it is to truly live and love. By Him alone may I be saved! Thank You for Christ Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a missionary family preparing to leave for the field soon. Pray for a family that just lost a young child. Pray for a woman with ALS.

Journal Entry #14104

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