Matthew 21:21

Matthew 21:21
   Jesus here reveals to them once again the power of prayer. The keys to this verse are the words ‘faith’ and ‘doubt’. Faith, or complete trust, in the Lord God Almighty is required. Bold confidence, with no doubt admitted, is required. How may one have this certainty? It is better to ask, how may one have this dependence? Complete faith for prayer has nothing to do with being confident in ones’ self, but in being certain of the abilities of Almighty God. Those who have this faith are not impressed with their own talent, but are keenly aware that all they have comes from above. Living in communion with God every moment is what is in view here. We very often do not feel our dependence upon God, because we do not perceive it. When you are looking to him to provide even the smallest things, trusting him for the biggest is nothing extraordinary.
   This is the heartbeat of the effective Christian life. Did the early Apostles have the power and boldness they had simply because they had learned some stubborn confidence that other men had not? They were not just more strong and willful than others. On the contrary, Peter had been that way, and his way had to be changed for him to serve the Lord Christ. So, this confidence was from a dependence upon the God Who made the mountains. If he wants them moved, it is no big thing for one who is totally reliant upon him to believe that he may do so. It is really perfectly natural for such a one to believe. It is then, no stretch, to say that Almighty God is able to give to us who rely upon him all that we ever should want, and all that we ever could need.

Bible Reading: Genesis 29:1-30:43

Scripture Memory: James 1:11 “For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Our lives seem so haphazard sometimes. Your faithfulness ties us down to reality. We can dream. You let us have plans for the future. You don’t stifle our imagination. But, You do keep us from flying away with ourselves. You knit us to the fabric of real life. You give us a connection to eternity. You make our lives something grand and glorious. You stretch us beyond this time and place. You make us citizens of Your heavenly kingdom. You give us places in Your great economy. You make us servants of Yourself, the Almighty Creator. To be Your servant is to have a job working for the greatest person in the universe. To have a place before Your face is to have a position as a caretaker of the cosmos. Indeed, to be in your service is to be happy and content in the knowledge that we are the task force of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are our amazing Almighty Master, Savior, and God. You alone are worthy of our praise! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for two pregnant women having difficult pregnancies. Pray for a missionary family preparing to leave for the field.

Journal Entry #14107

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