Matthew 21:31

Matthew 21:31
   Do not miss the wisdom of Christ in this parable. The Jewish leaders had posed a question with an obvious answer. Jesus did the same in return, but they would not answer it because it had the same answer as their question. He then told a story that had a question attached. This answer was also obvious, but seemed ‘safe’ to the elders and priests. So, they answered it quickly, wanting to appear erudite. But, this answer was even more dangerous to their evil designs than the first, for it condemned them before the very Judge of all men, the Messiah.
   There are those in this day that would say that Jesus never rebuked anyone. They would say he never insulted anyone. They would say he never judged anyone. They would say he never offended anyone. He did all of the above. He rebuked the devil in Peter and Judas. He insulted the unbelieving Jews many times. He judged cities that would not hear his message. And, he offended his own disciples indirectly. Though he did not cast a stumbling block before them, which he warned of himself, his teaching was very offensive to them. They were offended at his betrayal and arrest and forsook him. Thus, to offend, insult, rebuke, or judge on the basis of truth is not wrong, but is the right of Christ alone.
   Thus, for us today, if the truth of the gospel is offensive, insulting, corrective, or judgmental, we may not withhold it for any if these because it is true. If, however, our own sentiments, opinions, methodologies, or manner of life causes offense, insult, or any such thing, then we should cease immediately. In other words, to make ourselves odious to others is a great calumny, but for the gospel to be odious in the mind of the unbeliever is only to be expected, and is actually a good thing. Why? Because, to force someone to accept Christ is a great sin, and really impossible. But, to shame them to accept salvation, that is the work of the Holy Spirit in his saints. Our faith in the gospel will offend, insult, and otherwise judge the heathen of this world. This is a mercy of the Spirit of God to the hearts of the unsaved to draw them to the truth, or to harden them against it so that others might see their rage and repent. It is the Christian’s job to teach the commands of Christ, and nothing more. If that offends, then the offended party is under conviction. If it were not so, they could easily conclude that we are crazy and ignore us. But, Christ cannot be ignored!

Bible Reading: Exodus 5:1-7:25

Scripture Memory: James 1:14 “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we think so much of ourselves! Yet You are so much higher than we are. We are nothing before You, and yet we can have everything in You. You have shown us what we really are, and then offered to make us so much more. You don’t waste our life by telling us to learn, grow, create, design, imagine, work, love, and, then, die. No, You give us life so that we may do all these things, and more, in eternity. Thank You, Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a young family learning to live by faith as Christ leads on. Pray for an elderly lady who is homebound. Pray for a man who is improving after several months of intensive care in the hospital.

Journal Entry #14117

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