Matthew 22:2

Matthew 22:2
   It is important to put this illustration into perspective. Picture not a king of a vast domain, but of a smaller dominion. This is not to minimize the extent of God’s kingdom in any way, but will help us to better understand the implications of not attending the wedding. For a mid-eastern king of a relatively smaller domain to make a marriage for his son implies that a great number of guests were invited. In other words, what I am getting at is that this was a social affair. It was incumbent upon those of any position in the community of that realm to make it a point to participate in the activities.
   Perhaps a modern example would help. Imagine a county fair or festival of some kind with a parade of dignitaries, businesses, social clubs, etc. If certain local officials were to fail to participate in this type of activity, it would not be good in the eyes of the community. This is the same kind of thing as what is being put forth here. The king is creating an event for the social agenda. Another modern example would be a company-wide meeting at a smaller corporation, and the stigma attached to those who choose to be absent.
   Thinking of the parable in this way will greatly aid in an understanding of what Christ is communicating to his listeners about those who failed to attend the wedding.

Bible Reading: Leviticus 13:1-59

Scripture Memory: James 1:20 “For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are so gracious and patient with us. Though You teach us righteousness, You are mindful of our frailty. You understand and are sensitive to our limitations. Though You are a Huge and Powerful Caretaker, You are Gentle and Kind as well. Your Justice and Holiness cause You to be very Good for us, because You do not fail to correct our faults. But, Your Grace and Mercy, and Love cause You to be the Best Corrector we could possibly ask for. You care for us more that we care for ourselves, and that is truly amazing! Thank You for being so Great! All we can do is be thankful and praise You, and depend upon You as we serve You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who has several medical problems and needs salvation. Pray for a woman who threw her back out. Pray for a man who just had a major surgery yesterday.

Journal Entry #14134

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