Matthew 22:14

Matthew 22:14
   To many has the gospel come. Great multitudes of the tribes and families and peoples and nations have heard. The sound of the gospel has gone out into the farthest reaches of the globe. And yet, there are many who have not believed. Many have heard the call to Christ and failed to respond in faith. Some have feigned faith, but are not genuine. Some have deceived themselves, thinking that they have faith, but have accepted man’s doctrines instead of the Bible as it is. So, many have been called, but few shall be chosen.

Bible Reading: Numbers 11:1-13:33

Scripture Memory: James 1:24 “For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your strength is our stay. We must have You, and more of You each day. Knowing You, having a relationship with You, is the key to really living life. Without that vital connection, our life is dried up. You are the Eternal One, and You connect us to eternity. You bring us out of our pettiness, and into something far more vital and fresh. Thank You for Christ in our lives. He is the fountain of all blessings. May we serve You, Lord, all day. May we never stop thanking You, and praising You, for Who You are and what You have done. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for two families who just lost loved ones. Pray for a man who had a stroke. Pray for a family that is traveling.

Journal Entry #14146

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