Matthew 22:39

Matthew 22:39
   Note well the fact that Jesus was not asked for this part of the answer. He was asked only what was the great commandment. He was not asked to supply the second, or to comment upon them, but he did both of these things. It seems that he felt those then present could use some reminder that the first command was about loving the God that made the second command. Indeed, for the situation that then existed, such was quite needed. Their were many who felt themselves great lovers of God who at the same time despised their fellow man.
   Nowadays we often have the opposite problem. Thinking very highly of the second command we forget the first. Indeed, in this modern time you may find on almost every street corner those who endeavor to love their fellow man. But, to do so while also loving Almighty God? Well, that is simply been deemed unnecessary. It is relegated to relativism. You serve your god, I’ll serve mine, and we’ll both help our neighbor. Well, that’s not Jesus’ idea, that’s man’s idea, and it stinks! Only with a love for the True and Living God may we apply the golden rule in its purest form. Without the first command, the second will never be honestly applied.

Bible Reading: Joshua 13:1-15:63

Scripture Memory: James 2:6 “But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgement seats?”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your greatness is apparent all around us. As we look at Your creation we must stand in awe of Your wondrous works. How can we ever consider it all? It would take lifetimes to see all that You have done here, and yet this is a fallen world. We think that we know so much, and then we discover more about You. You are endless! We cannot possibly see and know all there is to know about You. If I could take a million years to explore all of your great creation, and a billion to ponder the changeless perfection of Your nature, I would still have only begun to understand all that can be known about You. You are One Who’s words make planets, Who’s thoughts knit the plans of time, and Who’s love invents the amazing grace that we all hold dear. How can we ever thank You! May we enjoy the beauty of Your world forever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for several people who are travelling. Pray for a man with pneumonia. Pray for a woman with a difficult work schedule.

Journal Entry #14170

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