Matthew 23:14

Matthew 23:14
   These men were practitioners of religious extortion. They pretended to know so much of the law, and justified themselves to such an extent, that there was little they would not do. The encouraged the poor to trust them. But, they abused their privileges. Beyond this, they pretended the greatest piety in spite of their actions. So, because of all this pretense, they were under a greater condemnation, as Jesus says.

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 14:1-16:23

Scripture Memory: James 2:13 “For he shall have judgement without mercy, that hath showed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for this amazing day to serve You! No matter how you might lead in our lives, I know that You are always there to take care of us. We can rely upon You, we can trust You. May we, as we depend and trust, also serve and praise. We want to honor You with our lives. Lord, You are worthy of our life and love. Thank You for Who You are. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a young man with some difficult things going on in his life. Pray for a man who has been in the hospital for a very long time. Pray for a house to sell.

Journal Entry #14195

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