Matthew 23:32

Matthew 23:32
    Sin is at all times wrong, and there is no ammount that is needed in that sense. If God had not an ounce of mercy or patience not a second of sin would be needed for Him to destroy this rebellious world. Yet God is no inanimate force. He is a person like you and I. He sets His limits. He decides how to handle situations. He makes plans. His sense of justice doesn’t change or become lax just because His mercy allows evil for a time. He may wait years to bring a judgement upon sin. This makes Him no less just, but shows us that He is real. Jesus, understanding the nature of God far better than we, knows the way God handles mankind.
   Jesus is not commanding these men to sin more. He is not saying that sin is inevitable. What He is doing is revealing once again His Divine prescience. Knowing what they would do, He leaves them to it. Though they were not glorifying God by their actions, their ultimate failure would be to his glory. Thus, though to us it would seem to be strange to urge on those doing wrong, He is urging on only the way in which they would ultimately glorify God, though to their own damnation.
   The judgement on these and their people would come soon enough when the Romans saw to it late in the first century. God’s hand is not short, and He will work his purpose regardless of what we do.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 15:1-17:41

Scripture Memory: James 2:19 “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your power is amazing to me! I know that You have more than sheer power. I know that You are good and kind and holy and pure. But, You can do anything, You are limitless, and yet You have chosen to make us. You have spent You time on us. You have redeemed us. You have loved my soul! How could I ever get over that! I know what I think I would do and be if I could be anything. And yet,  I would never be as good as You have been. You alone are God, and that is quite clear. Only you could be God. Only You could do this. Only You could maintain the glory. You are not impersonal. You are not unknowable. And yet, You are so infinitely high! I cannot reach You, but You reach me! How can I stop loving the fact that You have made Yourself accessible to us? What glory is not your worthy due? What can I say but to put my hand on my mouth and be in awe of You and Your great deeds. I could not do more than to play the traitor to my own existence if I tried to explain You away. How can I be an artist, an author, a master, a friend, a lover, a father, a person if I am not of Your making? Would I dare to think without Your record of my thoughts? Would I even be anything if You did not regard me? If I were not written in your book, could I be more than a dream? Thank You for the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus shows me the truth of life. He gives me the right to hold my head up to recognize the creation that I am. He has vindicated my desire to know you and Your wondrous works. By Him I have hope to see the miracles of Your making. Only in Him may I be saved. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who is sick with a bad sinus infection. Pray for a man dying of cancer. Pray for a house to sell.

Journal Entry #14213

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