Matthew 23:33

Matthew 23:33
   Like their father the devil, that ancient serpent, they pretended to be spiritual guides. They claimed great wisdom of God. Yet they knew little of Him practically. They had memorized the statutes for sure, but the truths failed to penetrate their wicked hearts. So, not only were they themselves evil, but they lay in wait to snare others, and this is their greatest condemnation. It is for the same reason that the devil is condemned, because he is always the enemy, the accuser, the tempter.
   Though Jesus never delves into great elaboration on the torments of hell as I have heard some attempt to do, He never seems to even try to avoid the subject. Indeed, He drives His discourses towards the subject as the necessary endpoint. This reveals to us the sentiments of Almighty God on the subject. He does not wish for us to fool ourselves. He did not for a moment try to let these men feel they would somehow escape damnation in the end. He does not try to make a world where everyone is ultimately happy and blessed. He is trying to help these false teachers realize the plight which they faced, and the precipice upon which they were tiptoeing. He does so out of mercy, warning them, and yet knowing they would not hear.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 18:1-20:2

Scripture Memory: James 2:19 “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your mercy! You have made Your truth known to us. We cannot say we have not been told. May we always have before us the task of telling others! There will be no excuses in the end. Nothing will pull back from perdition but the blood of Your precious Son. Thank You for him! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man and his job. Pray for a young woman who is pregnant. Pray for a man taking medication.

Journal Entry #14214

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