Matthew 24:45

Matthew 24:45
   Thus, prophecy concerning the coming the coming of Christ should cause greater commitment to His service. Unfortunately, it seems many enjoy studying the prophecy, but do not like so much to serve. Faithfulness and wisdom are hallmarks of those whose lives have been touched by the power of Christ. His work in us can cause us to be loyal and obedient servants in His kingdom. It is this group of people that He is producing by His prophecy, not just those who are aware of the seasons.

Bible Reading: Psalm 71:1-74:23

Scripture Memory: James 3:10 “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your glory is great in all of this earth! We can but look about us and see the beauty of Your handiwork. The tender nature of our own souls tells us of Your reality. The very life we hold so dear reveals to us Your Divine purpose. You have the plans to every work and the book for every deed. How can we think without You? Do our minds fool themselves? Do we live in a house caged from the real world? We are blind to the very truth all around us. May we always see You, may the light of Your Glorious Person never be hid from us! To live on this worldly plane and to never know the joys of Your creation because we do not know You, the Creator, is surely the saddest thing thing that could ever happen. How can we ever thank You enough for the life that we might have in You through Christ? It is in this thought that we may come close, that we may live in what You have given us, and not settle for less. To live as You have given us the ability and authority to live in Christ is the greatest way to thank You. For the genuineness of our praise is evidenced by the earnestness of our living. May all praise be Yours in our lives! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a family recovering from sickness. Pray for a man with back pain. Pray for a woman’s sister-in-law who is not well.

Journal Entry #14267

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