Matthew 24:47

Matthew 24:47
   The New Testament makes it clear in several places that faithfulness will be rewarded in the life to come. We are indeed, saved by grace, plus nothing and minus nothing, but our works serve as evidence of that faith. Our good works in the present time are being watched by Almighty God. Jesus knows who are His, and He is observing our activities and making decisions about the structure of the future and who he will give responsibilities to in His future kingdom here on earth.

Bible Reading: Psalm 79:1-84:12

Scripture Memory: James 3:11 “Doth a fountain send for at the same place sweet water and bitter?”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, how can we ever praise You enough for just the simple blessings You have given us? Family and friends surround us with love and attention. We can turn to people who know us and know You at any time. They are a source of strength in difficult times and they help remind us of Your wonderful care. May we never forget the depths of Your love for us. You are acquainted with every aspect of our lives, and so You know our every need. You know what the next day holds for us. And, You care about what will happen to us next. May we constantly trust You for our next breath. May we follow Your way as You guide us aright. Our dependence upon You is complete, Father. Our frailty is ever before our face, and we cannot turn from our need for Your strength. We praise You for Your manifold blessings, and covet yet more from Your hand because we see no other place to find what is good for our lives. There is none else. You alone are God, and You alone are good. All good in our lives must come from You! We love You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for an older woman with pneumonia. Pray for a man recovering from cataract surgery. Pray for a man who has undergone much medical treatment lately.

Journal Entry #14269

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