Matthew 25:37

Matthew 25:37
   I like to bring up tricky questions. They bring realism to our Bible study. Rather than running from thorny issues, it’s good to plow head-on into them. So, if the righteous are God’s people, why would they not already be aware of this passage of Scripture, and already understand and realize why the Lord would judge in this way? There are several good answers to this question. First, the availability of the Word of God will be much more limited during the Tribulation Period. Second, these persons who have come out of Great Tribulation as righteous ones will have had survival on their mind, not reward. Third, good Christian humility would keep these persons from assuming reward. We somehow have in our mind that we will stand before Christ one day and demand our rewards, or crowns, or whatever. That’s just not the biblical picture. Fourth, during the Great Tribulation people who actually do what’s right will be treated as a irreligious and heathen. In other words, during that time, those who do the right thing will find it quite difficult , whereas those who are wrong will feel very confident in their error. The difference between right and wrong will be even more obscured than it is today. The moral landscape will be quite horrible. Thus, it will be tricky to discern what is right as opposed to what is wrong. As a result, the reward of these dear people will come unexpectedly to them. Fifth, and finally, this is prophecy. Bible prophecy is true in a very real sense. It is so sure that it is just like reporting what has already happened. Thus, the fact that these words are recorded could never change what these people will say. It is no more or less likely to happen just that way regardless of how aware we may be of the prophecy. It’s not a prediction, it’s a record.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 52:1-57:21

Scripture Memory: James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the blessing of a warm heart! You do not expect us to live without Your joy, or love without Your strength. Even when we are faced with difficulties that try to steal our very life from us, You give us the blessings and encouragement we need to get through. You are truly our strength when we are weak, and all the blessing we need ever to seek. When we need purpose and meaning in this crazy life, we can look to You every single time. In a world of empty promises, it is great to know that we can turn to a sure thing. You are the sure foundation for all of our life. We will build upon Christ, and serve and love You all of our days. Obedient service to You is a sheer delight! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who wants to get back to church. Pray for a man with heart problems. Pray for a woman who is having difficulty getting around.

Journal Entry #14310

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