Mark 1:4

Mark 1:4
   Baptism is always an outward sign of an inward reality. This is very important to understand. If the baptizing, the actual act of dunking persons in the water, was what forgave sins, we would have different words here. The verse would say that John preached baptism that forgives. But, that isn’t at all what we find here. He preached a baptism of repentance. What does this mean? Baptism is an outward show of the inward reality. How can one be sure that any person has repented? Thus, the baptism was a way to signify, before God and everyone, that one had indeed repented. This is why it is referred to as the baptism of repentance. It is this, then, that is said to lead to forgiveness. In other words, this is the basis of forgiveness, the repentance, and the fact that the person is so genuine in their repentance as to submit to baptism. The actual act of dunking, then, does nothing. But, the choice to repent, and to testify that fact to all by one’s baptism, that is what is in view here. It was that admission of guilt, and obedience before all, that is the foundation for salvation. Though Jesus had not yet died on Calvary, which is the actual means of salvation, John is preparing the people to receive that forgiveness. Repentance and faith are the requirements, and John’s baptism was meant to signify both.

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 7:1-10:22

Scripture Memory: James 4:14 “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for making your truth plain! You give us so much to think about and act upon. We cannot ever say that we have not been given all that we need for our lives. May our repentance be always genuine! Soften our hearts and mold them after Your perfect will. Make us righteous by the blood of Christ, and renew our minds. You have the power to do it by Christ. You can remake us in His image. You can make us Christians in ever sense of the word. Lord, Your patience with us is astounding and inspiring! You always give us the best examples to follow. You guide us in the right way and show us what to avoid. Thank You for Your almighty power, and that You make it available even for the mundane routine of our lives. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a young man who is travelling. Pray for a man’s unspoken requests.

Journal Entry #14331

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