Mark 1:24

Mark 1:24
   This phrase where the unclean spirit asks what Jesus has to do with them is a figure of speech. It is a way of saying that hey have nothing in common, and that they should naturally be completely separated. The demon is thus, in an agitated and angry state, telling Christ that the powers of evil do not see any reason for him to intrude upon their world. The demon then inquires about Jesus’ plan of action. It wonders whether Jesus had come there to destroy the evil spirits. Finally, it proclaims a complete knowledge of the identity of Jesus.
   It is helpful to understand what is going on here. Confusion in these matters is commonplace. The enemy, the old devil, sees this world as his domain. And, he does have dominion in it for the moment. So, the anger of the evil spirits is directed at Jesus because they rightly identify him as a threat. But, Satan does not think like God does. His reasoning is warped. Thus, though he is highly intelligent, he and his demonic hoards do not understand the motivations and plans of God properly. They cannot because evil can never comprehend good. As a result, the evil spirit wanted to know the plans of this powerful adversary so that he might gain all the advantage possible. Please remember, the devil and his followers are full of pride, thinking they can somehow subvert the power of Almighty God if they can but get the upper hand.
   That the demon knew Jesus might seem odd to some. However, Satan prides himself in his knowledge. He thinks that he can somehow outwit God. His followers are the same. This spirit identified Christ not out of any desire to glorify him, but to show off the resources and prowess of the underworld. This will always be the way with the devil. He and his are smart but weird, powerful but prideful, and resourceful but ridiculous. His rule can never stand because he is not, and never could be, Almighty God.

Bible Reading: Zechariah 7:1-11:17

Scripture Memory: James 5:4 “Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your knowledge. Though we like to think we know so much, your truth is so much better. You know everything! You can give us an understanding of this world that we could never have on our own. Your Word shows us the very foundation of the cosmos. we can be led into truth by your Spirit. Beyond this, you know us more than we know ourselves. You can see the truth that we need. You know where we are deficient. You can answer our most important questions with a better grasp of the truth. Thank you for your gifts, Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who needs to move out of a nursing home. Pray for a man that has heart problems. Pray for a woman with a stomach virus.

Journal Entry #15008

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