Mark 1:25

Mark 1:25
   Was Jesus afraid of this demon? Is that why he responded so quickly? Did he not want to be made known? Quite the contrary. Statements of belief from evil spirits don’t pose a problem to Christ, but they are not a help either. When Satan is the source of a statement about Scripture or God, it is completely worthless. It is always tainted by his twisting of the truth. So, instead of fear, Jesus was simply acting with decisiveness against an enemy that needed to be made aware of the fact that whatever might happen would only come to light when Jesus was good and ready for it. In other words, Jesus had a plan in motion, and he would decide how much of that the devil would be privy to, and how much he wouldn’t.
   The wording here is interesting. Saying ‘hold your peace’ sounds really nice, but it could be translated more literally – Shut up! Get out! No explanations or answers are provided. No time for reflection on past actions is offered. Jesus didn’t even allow for one phone call! Immediate, powerful, authoritative, and decisive action was the response of the Lord Christ. And, as we see elsewhere, even Satan himself in person did not fail to obey that voice or heed that command.

Bible Reading: Zechariah 12:1-Malachi 3:18

Scripture Memory: James 5:4 “Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, keep your truth ever before us. Oh how we fail to see that the devil is a liar! He has never done anything else but lie to us. It is impossible for this evil world to operate any other way. Lies are all that the evil one can produce. Thank you for your truth, your Word is truth. Your Son is the Truth. How can we think that we know better than you? Only you know what is real. Your truth turns on the light while all else lies in darkness. We praise you for your truth, dear Father! May we never try to live without surrendering to your truth. We know you are always trustworthy. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a young man who just took his first job. Pray for a man with the flu. Pray for a man with a blood clot.

Journal Entry #15009

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