Mark 1:27

Mark 1:27
   Why was this so astonishing? Why did they wonder if it was a new doctrine? What were they saying? The answer is actually quite simple. What Jesus had just done, much like his teaching, was done with authority. But, how could he have authority over evil? That is what they were wondering about. They rightly realized that One who had power and authority over evil spirits must be very great indeed. However, they had not yet come to the conclusion that he was the Messiah. Thus, they wondered how any man could have this kind of command over evil. Unlike the Jewish leaders later, they did not think he was of the devil, so they knew it was by the power of God that this had been done.
   We today must recognize the same truth. Jesus has absolute authority. He may command who he will. And why? Because he is God. As the Second Person of the Trinity, he is able to do all of this and more. His authority is complete because it is by him that all things were made, and by him all things hold together. This was new for sure. God himself in human form was among them. As Emanuel he had there in his person all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. This was new because this had not happened before. Yes, the Lord had visited his people, but not like this. This was new, and this authority of Christ on earth was the beginning of the Church age.

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:1-6:34

Scripture Memory: James 5:5 “Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we give ourselves to you fully. Thank you for giving to us your promises. If we will respond to your faithfulness, the is no end to what you may do with us as we yield totally to you. Make us your servants in every part of our lives, Father. We must hold nothing back. You are worthy of our fullest devotion. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for our national leaders. Pray for missionaries all over the world. Pray for police and fire personnel.

Journal Entry #15011

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