Mark 1:37

Mark 1:37
   Though everyone should seek the Savior, the words of the disciples on this occasion were likely intended to refer to a smaller group of people. Notice that the word ‘men’ is in italics in the KJV. Italics in this translation are added for clarity, but are not in the original.
   What is happening here is that the disciples finally find Jesus and they let him know that everybody else was looking for him too. In other words, the crowds that had come to him last evening had not forgotten about this great Teacher, they wanted to bring him back for more.
   Obviously, the disciples were still learning about the Master. This wouldn’t be the last time he would go off alone like this. And he already knew who was looking for him, as they would later come to understand.

Bible Reading: Matthew 27:1-28:20

Scripture Memory: James 5:8 “Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for challenging us. You don’t encourage us to remain as we are. Though you understand us as we are, and you come to us and call us as we are, you transform us into so much more. Thank you for your values. We think so much of ourselves, and yet your values are so much more worthy of our attention than are our highest aspirations. Your Person can channel our efforts into goodness and beauty. You make us able to see the nature of the world around us as you transform us on the inside. Thank you for your work in our hearts through Christ! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman having trouble with her insurance company. Pray for a woman who is having her eyes tested for problems.

Journal Entry #15021

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