Mark 2:8

Mark 2:8
   I think that there is a great and somewhat unnoticed movement to minimize the awesome power and authority of the person of the Christ. Jesus is the Great I AM! Don’t ever miss that! Satan would love nothing more than for us to minimize the person of Christ. This does not mean we have to deny his humanity. Far from it. We may emphasize the fact of his humanity while lifting him higher than all at the same time.
   Jesus was and is a human being. However, the effects of sin have absolutely no influence upon him at all. God made man in his own image at the beginning. Man was perfect, he was not God, nor would ever be God, but he was perfect. Thus, the human being as a creature was a complete vehicle for the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Christians today are the same kind of thing, though even more so than Adam. We are human, yes, but we are energized and animated by the Holy Spirit. And, one day in heaven we will be perfectly so, though only reflections of the glory of God, and not divine in ourselves.
   Jesus is more than that. God has made for him a human body. But his humanity is profoundly effected by his divinity. He is not just a perfect human. He is the perfectly thrice holy Son of God! There is nothing about his humanity that needs to prevent that. Any limitation that he incurred by being incarnated was a choice of his own divine will. As Philippians 2 intimates, he is in full control of all that his humanity might entail. The limitation of the Limitless One is not a dishonor to him, but a glory in that he has an eternal purpose for all that he may do.
   Thus, we have here before us God in human flesh. Jesus could indeed read men’s thoughts. This is true for several reasons. First, the devil himself guesses men’s thoughts because he is a spiritual being that has been around for thousands of years. How much more then would the eternal Son of God understand what men think? Secondly, and far beyond that, Jesus created man. When you have made something you will have an intimate knowledge of how that thing works. Even given man’s free will, the Holy Son understands us altogether. Third, and most amazing, Jesus’ ability to see into the very soul of a man seems undeniable. This is a power and authority over the heart of mankind that the devil can only dream of. The penetrating power of the Christ is irresistible, though he does, at this time, allow men to choose. Satan cannot do this. Even when he holds absolute sway in an unsaved man’s life, the Holy Spirit of God can reach that heart with conviction. It is this power of the Spirit that Jesus as the Second Person of the Trinity has in him. He may reach to the unreachable. He may see into your very soul and speak directly to it.

Bible Reading: Luke 15:1-17:37

Scripture Memory: James 5:13 “Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.” 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your truth. You have revealed to us so much about your Son. I know that to miss that is to miss everything! You cannot be ignored. I must yield to the Christ! We are to live our lives discovering the truth of who he is. We may have many life ambitions, but we cannot be anything but remiss if we miss out on the truth of the Christ. How can we ignore his Person? May we live to know him intimately. You are the Great I AM, dear Jesus! I praise you forever, dear Lord! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman having a baby soon. Pray for a man recovering from a serious disease.

Journal Entry #15038

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