Mark 2:9

Mark 2:9
   Jesus is all about teaching. Oh yes, he worked many miracles while he was here on earth, but his teaching is his focus. This becomes obvious throughout the gospels. Here we see it quite clearly. He didn’t just do miracles for the sake of miracles. He did all that he did to teach and to try to get people to see who he was.
   Some might object by reminding us that, on several occasions, Jesus told people not to tell who he was. Indeed, as I have already said, Jesus wanted more than a mob following. In fact, on one occasion, when his retinue of followers was getting larger, he gave the teaching we find in John chapter 6. That little discourse on the body and blood trimmed his disciples down considerably. And why? Because he wanted his disciples to follow his teaching, not his miracles. Miracles evidence who he is. But, teaching explains his identity.
   He is literally saying here that since he is God he can forgive sins or heal diseases by the same power and authority. This would cause a crisis of belief for these pious Jews. They had to either accept him as Messiah, or reject him completely. Jesus wasn’t looking for a middle-of-the-road crowd. He engendered either the most faithful of human followers, or the worst of enemies.

Bible Reading: Luke 18:1-19:48

Scripture Memory: James 5:14 “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we learn complete dependence upon you! How foolish it is to try to live this life deciding for ourselves what is safe and easy. In so many things we know that we must refer to the instructions. But, with the big issues of life we often prefer to feel our way alone. We must rely upon your infinite wisdom. You alone may guide our steps to the difficult but right path. We would not choose the harder ways of life, but you can make the rough places plain. Your abilities are not diminished by circumstances. And, you can lead us no matter how bumpy might be the journey. We will follow Christ no matter where he leads, for he has the words of eternal life! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for preachers this morning. Pray for our missionaries today.

Journal Entry #15039

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