Mark 2:15

Mark 2:15
   It has always been the case that hardened sinners will be drawn to the truth. Though they may be seem the last to be expected to convert, this is not always the case. And why is this? Well, the ravages of sin do take their toll on a person. Hardened sinners begin to see the futility of the sin-filled life. Though they are quite chained to it, if ever the Spirit may break through they are easily converted wholly. Thus the demon possessed, the drunkard, the drug addicted, the fornicator, the profligate, and the like. They may, many of them, be sold to their master for all of life. But, if they come into contact with the truth in the person of a genuine minister of the gospel, many of them will give up their wayward life and be truly converted. This is not to say that this level of service to sin is required to be a wholehearted convert, for it is definitely not. But, a familiarity with the emptiness of sinful life makes one the more in love with the abundant life in Christ. Hence John Bunyan, John Newton, and Billy Sunday.

Bible Reading: John 5:1-6:71

Scripture Memory: James 5:16 “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to realize what we have in Christ. The love that you have made available to us is limitless. We need not look to our fellow man to fulfill our deepest needs. But, as we learn to depend upon your love, we find the ability to identify love in the hearts of others. We feel more loved by our friends and loved ones, and more affinity even with our enemies, as we learn to lean upon your amazing love. This would seem backwards to our sentiments, but it is exactly how it works. Thank you, then, for not only loving us so much, but for teaching us what that love means. For, you offer your love with wisdom and understanding. As we grow in you, we not only feel your love more, but we know your love more. It grows inside of us. Thank you, Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a young girl with seizures. Pray for a woman having shoulder pain.

Journal Entry #15045

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