Mark 2:26

Mark 2:26
   In this example Jesus makes it clear that what was done was not lawful, and yet it was allowed and not condemned afterwards by God. Thus, Jesus shows that, as he clearly says in Matthew 12:7, mercy outweighs sacrifice. The concern that we find throughout the Old Testament is that the Jews had neglected the mercies of the law and had gone after idols. In Jesus’ day the preoccupation with idols was gone, but it had changed forms in that the same stubbornness was now attached to an empty religiosity.
   Some may object to this passage on the basis of the reference to Abiathar. Ahimelech was the high priest it seems at that time rather than Abiathar. However, just as with the kings of the divided kingdoms, there is overlap with fathers and sons, name swapping, and the like going on with the priesthood through out the history of it. This is nowhere more obvious than in Jesus’ own day where the office of the high priest had come to be bought and sold because of the rule of the Romans.

Bible Reading: Acts 7:1-8:40

Scripture Memory: James 5:19 “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we always understand the blessedness of being your servants. When we try to make life fit our plans it always runs out. We cannot control our circumstances, but in Christ we can be happy in them. Joy in the Lord is possible no matter how crazy the day gets. We must remember to Whom we belong and serve Him faithfully. Thank you for your manifold blessings and care for us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman looking for a job. Pray for a man who recently came home from the hospital.

Journal Entry #15056

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