Mark 3:34

Mark 3:34
   It is important for us to remember that Jesus is the one who created the family to begin with. And, here, he is not undermining the existence of the family. However, he is explaining to the people for the first time the reality of the family of God. Though the Jews did understand this to a certain extent, it had not been explained in this way before. Indeed, it would be some time before they would realize that this idea applied not only to the Jewish people but also to the Gentiles.
   So, Jesus is beginning to try to help his disciples understand that he had come to unify all things in himself. The same one who has created everything, including the family, was starting a spiritual family, called the church. It is for this reason that, today, many Christians are closer to their Christian brothers and sisters then they are to their own family. This is not to say that our families are not important, or that we must love them less. But, the fellowship in Christ that is shared between those who are believers can never be understood by those who are not.
   There is something important to note here as well. Jesus says that those who do the will of the Lord, which he mentions in the next verse, are his brother and sister and mother. Though we do use the terms brother and sister in Christian circles, we don’t generally think of anyone as our spiritual mother. In fact, the devil has taken advantage of this. He has put forth the idea of the universal brotherhood of mankind. Though, to be sure, all of mankind is connected by the fact that we are creations of Almighty God, we are not all brothers and sisters in the sense that Jesus is here for forwarding. There is not a common connection. Instead because of sin, there is nothing but disjointed chaos. This is why we see wars and fighting and so forth. What Jesus is saying is that those who are in Christ are part of God’s family.
    Instead, the devil has tried to create this idea that all of humanity should get together in one big happy family regardless of our relations to each other today. So, instead of allowing the traditional family to exist, the devil is actually trying to undermine the family. Jesus, on the other hand, was not undermining the traditional family, but was simply explaining that the spiritual family unified in him is a far greater reality for eternity.

Bible Reading: James 1:1-4:17

Scripture Memory: 1 John 1:6 “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for this wonderful day that you have given us to worship you. Although we can worship you on any day at any time, it is nice to have this Good Friday set aside, Lord, to think thoughts about Christ. We are so glad that you sent your dear beloved Son to die on a cruel cross for us. We would never think it had you not revealed the fact that you did it because you love us. Though we know ultimately all is done for your honor and glory, that does not minimize the fact in any way that your love is amazing. In fact, it is because of your love and goodness and grace that we will spend all of eternity ascribing to you all honor, glory, majesty, and praise. You are worthy, oh Lord, to receive every one of them. Lord Jesus Christ we thank you for coming here to lay down your life for our sinful hearts. Without you we have no hope, and there is no sadder thing than that. In you, we have hope of a home in heaven, of a perfect and beautiful life that you have prepared for us. We began to live when we began to live in you. Thank you for saving us from internal and eternal death. Father, thank you for revealing your truth to us in your Holy Word! May we this Easter remember all that you have done for us through the resurrection of your dear Son. May we be reminded that it is finished. The war is won. The victory is secure! Though there are still battles, though we are still dealing with the evil one, the time of the end is near. And the victory, is ours in Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman trying to get a job. Pray for a man in very poor health in the hospital.

Journal Entry #15091

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