Mark 4:1

Mark 4:1
   Only in recent years has our public speaking changed quite a bit because of the use of sound amplification equipment. Traditionally, ancient and even more modern public speaking was done in such a way as to help the listening audience follow what was being said. In many cases, it might be difficult for those toward the back of the crowd to follow the message. Thus, many times, the successful sharing of a message with a large crowd would depend upon word of mouth afterward, or even during the exchange.
   Obviously, when a crowd was listening in a closed place, such as a synagogue or other public venue, the exchanging of the information would not occur right then. However, in cases such as this, people could pass along the message in real time. Thus, speakers would share a line at the time so to speak, and then that would be shared throughout the crowd.
   Though it is difficult now to know exactly what Jesus style was when it comes to sharing this message, it seems likely that he was slower and more articulate, allowing the people to absorb what he was saying a bit at a time, rather than being a fast talker. At that time, those who talked very quickly and did not properly explain themselves, would never be heard well in a large crowd such as this. Especially, as in this case, if you are teaching from a boat that had to be at least a little ways from the shore, you had to do things a little bit different.

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4:1-2 Peter 2:22

Scripture Memory: 1 John 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, how can we ever praise you enough for what we celebrate on this glorious day? You have given us what we will spend all of eternity thanking you for. Life in Christ, that is the most wonderful gift we could ever hope to have. It is not even possible for us to fully understand the magnitude of this gift. But, what we do understand is that you love us very much. And that is more than enough for us. We will praise you. We will praise you for our entire lives. We will praise you for all of eternity. Your graciousness and love and mercy is beyond all that we could ever imagine. Thank you For Your goodness. You are good in your very nature, you can be nothing but good. You are the Lord God Almighty, the Holy One, the just one. You always do what is best. You know what is best. We will live our lives in praise and honor to you, oh Lord. You deserve all of the glory! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for pastors and preachers and teachers of the gospel all over the world today as they share the truth.

Journal Entry #15093

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