Mark 5:11

Mark 5:11
   In order to understand this passage one must keep two things clearly in mind. First, it was not likely that any of the Jewish population of Gerasa were keeping pigs. Instead, these pigs were likely being kept by the large Gentile population, who raised them for sale in the Decapolis region. Secondly, the devil does have power in this world. Mankind has given him that. Thus, it is not required that Jesus, as that time, would completely remove this particular satanic influence from the world.
   These two points help us to understand why there was a herd of pigs present, and also to understand why the demons were allowed to request to be sent in to them.

Numbers 8:1-10:36

1John 3:20 “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.”

Heavenly Father, help me to always keep my eyes upon you. You must be ever before my face. The goal of my life should be focusing upon you, and your will and plan for my life. You are our hope. The Lord Jesus Christ is the reason for all that we do. Thus, to worship you, to bring glory to You, is our most important focus. We must not lose sight of you. You are more than just someone important to us. You are our God, you are our master, you are our Lord. We will always give you the praise! You are worthy! Thank you for your great mercy, faithfulness, and love to us. Thank you for always being the same all the time. We know you’re always there and you’re always faithful. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Pray for a man who is having surgery. Pray for a woman who has been recovering from surgery for quite some time now.

Journal 15145

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