Mark 5:26

Mark 5:26
   This is one of the most lengthy descriptions of a malady in the gospels. It is quite interesting to study how that some things are explained in more detail than others. There is about as much said about this as about the condition of the man possessed by Legion.
   Indeed, Mark was not one to waste words. We would do well to try and empathize with this woman, for that seems to be the purpose of this summary of he complaint. Many things of many doctors, for example, surely gives us a feeling for her plight.

Deuteronomy 11:1-13:18

1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the strength we need when we have to deal with things that we don’t like. Thank you for being faithful when others let us down. You are our Faithful Father! May we always worship you as we should, recognizing how much you have given us. We owe you everything! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a man experiencing dizy spells.

Journal 15160

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