Mark 5:40

Mark 5:40
   There is a great contrast between Christ and a false prophet. Those who would make a show of healing, or doing some great miracle, might try to make a big deal out of it. But the Lord Jesus does the opposite. This is because he truly was going to do a miracle. Something was really going to happen. This was not a show. This was the real deal.
   Sometimes, Jesus did his miracles to be seen very publicly. But, most of the time he kept them in private. And why is this? It’s because that’s where they belonged. They were private things done for private people. They were meeting the needs of those that he ministered to. Other times, there was reason to make a very public show of what had been done.

Joshua 23:1-Judges 1:36

1 John 5:18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your leading in our lives. It is great to have your Word right here before us, but having your Spirit within s is so wonderful as well. To only have a book that tells us the truth, and not to have the Spirit to help us live it, would not be as good. By your Holy Spirit, we can understand your Word. Thank you for your care for us, in giving us of your Spirit. Show us the way in which we should go, that we may serve you with our entire heart. May our lives honor you in every way! You are worthy! Thank you for helping us to see your truth, and help us to be witnesses for you each and every day. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Pray for a man who is not feeling well. Pray for a man going out of town.

Journal 15174

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