Mark 5:41

Mark 5:41
   We’re not exactly sure what language Jesus spoke regularly. However there is great likelihood that this Aramaic, or Syriac, that he uses to speak to the little girl here was his chosen tongue. In any case, many in that region would have spoken Greek. So Jesus would have spoken Aramaic and Greek.
   It is quite likely that this language with which he speaks to the young child was a language familiar to her and her family. Though this would seem normal, Jesus is somewhat unique in this way. Among men, those who would claim to have power to do what Jesus did, might say some kind of an unintelligible thing in order to make themselves and sound special. Jesus says nothing special. He needs no show, but only the real fact of his mighty power over death.

Judges 2:1-4:24

1 John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

Heavenly Father, as you know we often ask you to make us happy. We want more joy, more contentment. But, we often think that these things will only come to us if you give us more of what we find in this life. To be sure, you do give us great material blessings. However, we are heirs of eternal life, and there is a treasure out there that gives us a joy and contentment no material blessings here on earth could ever match. May we rest forever in your abundant supply! You know what we need and not we ourselves. Your provision goes a step further than we would go. It enables us to serve you as your trusted friends. It gives us a place in your kingdom. We think of our earthly needs, you supply for our eternal tasks. We just look for bread for the next meal, while you supply day by day the food we need for an eternity as your royal ambassadors. Your glory is your focus, and rightly so. You alone can give what we don’t even know we need. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for a woman who is sick. Pray for a woman who is having trouble with her stomach.

Journal 15175

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