Mark 7:15

Mark 7:15
   Righteousness has not to do with what enters our bodies, but what comes out of them. Though it is difficult for us to see, God’s laws are not designed to keep us from taking things into us, but to prevent evil from coming out of us. The heart is evil, that we know from other Scriptures. Something loathsome coming into our body is not defilement in that it does not make us less holy. It is instead that which comes out of us, our words, thoughts, motives, desires, etc. that defile us, making us unholy.
   This is an extremely important concept for us to understand. We are told not to do so many things. And, most of what is sin has to do with what enters us. So, why this teaching? Ah, but we must look deeper. The things that are forbidden to us in God’s Word are those things which will tend to our destruction and defilement. They are not forbidden because they are evil, but because we are evil. Indeed, it is the evil in our own hearts that causes us to want these things. And it is the evil in our hearts that will cause us to be defiled by our participation in them.
   This helps to make sense out of many of the stories of Scripture. For example, Jacob is blessed as the progenitor of the the Israeli nation, and yet he had two wives, and tried to get ahead through lies and deceit. How can such a man be blessed? David had a man killed and took his wife. Noah got drunk. How can these things be overlooked? And the answer is that the attitude of the heart of these men defiled them. And yet, the attitude of their heart also led to their forgiveness. Jacob recognized God’s blessing was the real source of his success. David admitted his wrong and begged forgiveness. Noah had no intentions of committing evil, though his son Ham was not so humble. Though defiled, the defilement began in the heart, and in the heart began repentance. This is why the message of the gospel is to repent, not simply to stop sinning. To just not sin any more is not realistic without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and that indwelling will not occur without a contrite heart.

Job 24:1-28:28

James 3:18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word! I cannot ever get over the truth that you have given us. It is wonderful to have truth available to us. We can see and understand through the Spirit what we should do for our lives. Sin is in the heart, and there is where repentance and faith begin their work. May we never lose sight of this truth! We must trust in you for our righteousness. We cannot manufacture it. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Pray for the lost.

Journal 15255

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