Mark 8:8

Mark 8:8
The wording here can seem misleading due to the change of word meanings over time. The word ‘meat’ is just meant to mean food. It doesn’t mean that there was only fish left. In fact, what is really being said in the original was that there were seven basketfuls of ‘leftovers’. Ah, yes, those re-eatable morsels are in the Bible!
Though much in the way of allegorical gymnastics has been done to explain why there were seven baskets left, there is a very simple explanation. There were seven loaves. Thus, though by no means a requirement, it makes good sense that there would happen to be seven equal portions of leftovers. This does not mean there was no fish left over, but the bread was the bulk of the meal.
This also illustrates that nothing was wasted. We easily miss this point. Jesus can multiply food, and yet the disciples are going around collecting the leftovers! You’ve got to appreciate the ramifications of that. Though we can look to the Lord to provide the supernatural, that in no way minimizes our responsibility to him in the natural realm. It’s his bodies, his food, his day, his meal, his plan, his timing, and his leftovers!

Heavenly Father, sometime we forget that everything belongs to you. We look to you for the big stuff in our lives, but keep the details to ourselves. Thank you for providing naturally and supernaturally. Indeed, the distinction we make between the two is an artificial construct we use to help us understand our world. Really, everything is other-natural in that it all comes from you. May your name be forever praised for you are the Almighty Providence, as they used to say many years ago. You alone can make a fish, or the wheat for our bread. Only you can give to us the Living Bread of eternal life, the Lord Jesus. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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