Mark 8:10

Mark 8:10
Dalmanutha was likely on the west side of the Sea of Galilee. Matthew tells us they went to a region near Magdala. So, Dalmanutha was in that area. Why does Mark only refer to it in this way? Different people refer to regions in different ways. Depending upon the geography we are familiar with, we may have totally different names for the same place.
Many may try to use this to question the accuracy of the gospel writers. But what we have to remember is that the Bible has been a guidebook for archeology. Without references to some of these towns, they would likely never have been discovered.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the richness of your Word! You have taken more than a passing interest in us. You are involved in our lives and your goodness fills ours hearts. You are the reason that life has purpose and meaning. You are the reason that there is a right and a wrong. You are worthy of our worship! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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