Mark 8:12

Mark 8:12
I think it is very difficult for us to understand Jesus’ feelings. And why is that? Well, it’s tricky for us to put the whole thing in context because we forget that Jesus is eternal. He was in wilderness after the Exodus. He was the Lord of David and Solomon. He was the One to whom Daniel prayed. There was lifetimes of history through which Jesus had already been with the Jewish people. Indeed, the whole purpose of the ministry of John the Baptist was to prepare the hearts of the people for the Messiah so that he would not immediately judge the nation upon his arrival.
Jesus was upset. Sadness, disappointment, just wrath, all of these were in his heart. Instead of using the Scriptures to identify Jesus as the Messiah, they wanted a show to convince them. Rather than believing the miracles he had performed, they wanted something big, like freedom from the Romans.
He asks them why they wanted a sign because he understood what they should have realized. At that point in Jewish history the response to the Almighty that was being asked for was repentance and humility. Instead, these Jewish leaders felt they were the apex of the Jewish religion. They expected the Messiah to free them from thier enemies and usher them into a glorious age because of their holiness and obedience to the law.
Jesus, on the other hand, was more interested in pointing out their hypocrisy, and their status as the children of those who had slain the prophets in cold blood. He was not at all impressed with their temple, thier traditions, or their knowledge.
Thus, he tells them they would receive no sign. Actually we find in the other gospels that he tells them he would give them the sign of Jonah, the Resurrection. But Mark simply reports that no sign would be given because they were not going to get the sign they were looking for.

Heavenly Father, we so often forget that you have feelings. We get upset when our feelings are hurt, but then act as if you have none at all. Thank you for your patience! You give us just the things we need. We can depend upon you to deliver. We must remember your plan when we pray. We should sincerely desire your will, knowing that you know best. When we launch out into our own plan, we risk missing the great things that you have planned for us. Your way is always best. We want to bring joy to you, not sadness. We want to cheer your heart and please you every step of the way. You are worthy of our every breath in praise to you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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