Mark 8:13

Mark 8:13
Do not imagine that Jesus is running away. The passage here makes it sound as if he spent very little time only to leave again. But, what we need to remember is that the trip over the Sea of Galilee was not terribly long. Imagine a long ferry ride, not an extended ocean voyage. Though called a sea, Galilee is not large compared to what we would think of as sea. So, going back and forth is not as big of a deal as it seems to be on the face of it.
It says here that Jesus left them. This may be to say that he left even though they wanted to continue talking to him. This is likely. The minister of God can easily find himself bogged blown reasoning with the unreasonable. Jesus understood this danger and avoided it on more than one occasion.

Heavenly Father, we know you always have a plan for what happens next. Things may not occur the way we want, and opposition is often found barring the way. But, you understand and know our situation, and your will works no matter what occurs. Thank you for guiding us. The leading of the Spirit through your Word is one of the great blessings of life in Christ. Also, I thank you for the gospel of Christ. It is always fresh, and is ready to be proclaimed to each and every person you bring into our lives. We can move forward in faith and not be bogged down by the devil’s counterfeits. It is such a privilege to have this treasure and to be able to share it. Thank you for involving us in the mission to share your good news of love and forgiveness with the world. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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