Mark 8:16

Mark 8:16
The word ‘reasoned’ here gives us a picture of what went on in the boat. Rather than just asking Jesus what he meant, the disciples started talking among themselves, trying to figure it out. Of course, they tried to keep the discussion to themselves.
Finally they came to the conclusion that Jesus was rebuking then for not bringing any bread. This is an amazing example of human error. The disciples forgot Jesus knew everything they thought. They forgot that Jesus was fond of using illustrations to teach them. And, they forgot that Jesus could easily make more bread if needed. Yes, that’s a lot of forgetting, but that’s how we are!

Heavenly Father, thank you for your patience with us! We can really forget you are the Almighty. We forget you know everything. We forget that you know us better than we know ourselves. We forget that you love us. But we must remember, for you at worthy to be praised for all of these things. All praise to you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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