Mark 8:23

Mark 8:23
This story is the perfect backdrop for the discussion Jesus was about to have with his disciples concerning who he is. He removed the man from the public eye. Taking him away privately, he then goes through a process for healing him that can only be called bizarre. In this verse he spits and touches the man. As we see in the following verses, this does not fully heal the man, and Jesus has to touch his eyes again for the full healing.
So, why? Why was this healing so different? Was Jesus somehow limited? Like the disciples, we need to remember the feeding of the four thousand. Did Jesus have any trouble with that miracle? No. He’s the one who thought of it. So, is this miracle different? Yes. Remember that superstition was rampant in that time. It was easy for people to misunderstand, misrepresent, and misidentify, Christ. This is one of the reasons why Jesus asks his followers who people were saying he was.
The miracle with the for thousand followed a lengthy message from Christ. This miracle, on the other hand, was not accompanied by teaching. Thus it was not a limitation in Christ’s ability, but was instead due to spiritual darkness.
Now, spiritual darkness has no effect upon Christ. But, it can have a profound effect on people. This man and his fellow countrymen did not understand Jesus completely. Jesus did do miracles for those who didn’t understand, but he was much more interested in doing them for those who realized who he is.
We must always be careful to remember that Jesus didn’t come to set up shop as a miracle worker. He came to solve man’s real problem, sin. Blindness, and all of our other ills, are only realities because of sin.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the light of the glorious gospel of Christ! We live in a dark world. Thank you for sending Christ to rescue us from ourselves. You are worthy of the glory for it all. You didn’t have to save us. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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