Mark 8:33

Mark 8:33
Some debate has surrounded this, but it’s seems that Jesus actually physically turns his back to Peter. This is quite likely given that Jesus knew how to handle the deceptions if the devil. This was quite a temptation in that Peter was precious to Jesus and this persuasion against going through with the betrayal, rejection, and crucifixion, was very inviting.
So, Jesus knows how to respond because he recognizes the trickery. We might ask ask how Peter could be influenced by Satan this soon after having confessed Christ? But, we have Christ’s own words to show that this was the case.
What then does Jesus mean by what he says here? How was Peter to take this? Jesus spoke directly to the wicked one, knowing that Peter had been tempted to engage in this conversation. And, his words are quite appropriate. Unlike his temptation in the wilderness, Jesus did not directly quote Scripture, but his words were based in God’s Word. He made a statement on the basis of what we know from Scripture about the devil.
Indeed, Jesus words were a real demeaning and direct attack against the devil himself personally. He said that Satan was stuck on humanity, and that he had no desire for the things of God. Though this makes perfect sense, please understand what Jesus means by this. He is binding the destiny of the devil up with the destiny of evil men. Because Lucifer didn’t want to do God’s will, he has become nothing more than a pawn of sin like fallen humanity. His power is limited, he has little authority, and his days are numbered. In other words, it’s kinda like Jesus is saying, you’re the one in the cage, remember? No matter how free the devil feels at this time, his sphere of influence is doomed for destruction.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the victory in Jesus Christ! Thank you for his power over the kingdom of darkness. Thank you for rescuing us from the clutches of the lion in the cage. Thank you for giving us life in Christ. I will sing of your glory forever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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