Mark 9:2

Mark 9:2
Jesus is not to be compared with others we have come to this planet by birth who have claimed greatness. He surpasses in so many ways. In this passage we see one of the most amazing things about Christ. The point at which he reveals the most of who he is, only 3 persons are allowed to attend. Why? Why would his true glory, the full measure of his greatness, be hidden from almost everyone?
The answer contains much more than we would at first think. Christ, unlike great men of this earth, is the Lord from heaven . To know him, to see his glory, is more than just to witness a great life. It is more than just to see someone who is better than the common mass of men. It is more than simply to witness a wonderful life of selflessness. It is to stand as testimony to the great glory and grandeur of the Creator of the universe.
Jesus knows and understands that to reveal Himself to us is actually quite dangerous for us. If we turn our back upon what the Lord has revealed, it can hold nothing but damnation. He did not reveal himself to the common mass of his followers, because he knew many of them would ultimately turn their backs on him anyhow. He did not want to further condemn their souls.
Time and time again Jesus expresses this principle, that those who have will be given more, and those who have not will lose even what they have. There was not a reason for him to reveal himself in this way to those who would not even accept that which was already told them about his position as the Messiah. Those who would not accepted the truth he had given them up to that point, would not benefit from seeing him in his glory. Instead they would misunderstand, and believe only because of bright lights and the great grandeur of this miracle.
We find the same kind of thing when the Lord Jesus appears later to the Apostle Paul. Jesus says there that the Holy Spirit had already been working in the heart of the soon-to-be apostle to the Gentiles. The Lord does not reveal himself in this way to those who he has not already been working with. We cannot expect to see great things from God, unless we expect to see great things from God because we know he is great. As Jesus says later to Thomas, blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed.
We speak today of equality, as if we understand it. The Lord Jesus truly understands equality. He truly is concerned about being fair with mankind. He is merciful to all. He knows how he will judge, and he reveals himself in a measure appropriate to that judgment.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your great mercy, your love for us is so overwhelming! Thank you for Christ. Thank you for giving us of your truth as you know we can handle it. You will always judge rightly. Rather than simply holding all of our sin against us, you have made a way for us to be forgiven. And, instead you will judge us by how we respond to the truth you’ve given us. There’s no better way. You always do things the best way, thank you! Lord, as we think of how you deal with us, we are overwhelmed by your great grace. The Lord Jesus Christ is given to us as a great gift, not only in that salvation is secured by him, but in that we have all of the truth that we need in the person of Christ. We find in him everything needed for life and godliness. We find in your Word all the truths needed to operate our daily lives. We can trust you, we can live for you, we can know that you will care for us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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